
Roze siah 150
Roze siah 150

roze siah 150

It is not logical to imagine that such a large congregation would be without a rabbi for tens of years and since there is no information about anyone else – we must assume that this R'Avraham Abele was the rabbi for 20-25 years. The community grew very quickly and in the 1840's, there were already four-five thousand souls in Suwalk – a large community. In 5601 ç1841) he was still the rabbi of Suwalk because his name if found as signatory of one of the approbations in a book published that year.

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However, we can venture the almost certain supposition that it was a man named R'Avraham Abele, son of R'Mordekhay. We have no accurate information about the first rabbi of Suwalk. Rabbi Moshe Betsalel – rabbi of Saini – did not exaggerate when he wrote about his town that: “the great scholars of the world occupied the seat of judgement there”. The editors of “Hamagid” remark on Suwalk: “…the rabbinate there has always been occupied by great and famous men of Israel”.

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When Suwalk sought a new rabbi in 1858, it was not immodest in stating in its advertisement that Suwalk had always been “a seat of the greatest rabbis of our time”. R'Samuel Mohilewer went from the rabbinate in Suwalk (and Radom) to the much greater congregation in Bialystok, and R'David-Tebele Katsenelnboygn went from Suwalk to become the chief rabbi of Petersburg. According to the credits, It was the film’s ability to promote social commentary in a subversive government that made it noteworthy for all times.


Filipowe boasted of its great R'Hayim Filipover and Ratzk – of R'Hayim Ratsker. A survey from 150 Iranian critics and professionals showed in the best Persian movie magazine, World of Picture, Bashu was voted as The Best Iranian Film of All Time. One need only to mention the names of R'Yitshak Ayzik Heber, Rabbi of Suwalk, or R'Yehudah Bakhrakh, Rabbi of Saini. Rabbinical positions in Suwalk and vicinity were often occupied by great scholars of world-renown.

Roze siah 150